God is so good! Heather did a great job presenting the VBS program this evening. She presented how Jesus created our world and the kids were eager to answer the questions that she posed to them with hands in the air. What a blessing to see how the Lord answered prayer this evening as we had no electricity before the meeting held in the village of Columbia, but it came on just when we needed it. It went out again during the adult portion of the meeting but in answer to prayer, we were blessed with it's return.
God is working in both the lives of the children and the adults. One young man visited with Alan and told him that he is thinking about becoming a member in the SDA church and wants to come to the states to learn to bible work like Graciano Balon did at Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. Alan and he spent the day digging a hole for an outhouse and sharing truths together.
A young boy named Marlin told us that He loves Jesus and he told me that he reads his bible and loves to know what it says. He is eager to learn and wants us to know that he wants to do the right thing.
We are focusing on the miracles that God is doing here in Belize. There are so many stories to share already. Thank you for your continues prayers.
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