Thursday, March 15, 2012

Belize 2012

Truly a time to praise the Lord! 

We are leaving on the 21st of March, in the wee hours of the morning. Please keep us in your prayers as we head to Punta Gorda Belize. We have an important work to do there and will be building four new class rooms for the San Antonio Seventh-day Adventist school. This school is the first SDA school in a Myan village. The Sophomore class of 2012 will need a class room for their Junior year. The other rooms will accommodate the up and coming Seniors. 

What a blessing it will be to again provide for them the space they need to continue their Christian Education. We will also be presenting a VBS program. Our Sonoran kids will be leading small group Bible studies with the Myan village children of San Antonio. Please pray that these young missionaries will be filled with the Holy Spirit as they present the gospel message. Thank you for all your support and prayers. 

We look forward to sharing with you our experiences as they unfold.

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