Monday, April 2, 2012

Excursion to Snake Island

We spent the day yesterday on Snake Island. It was so relaxing! We saw so many fish and had a great day in the sun.

Gabby's Starfish

Drew getting a facial

As we worshiped last night together as a family, we reflected on our talents and the joy that comes with service for our Saviour. Many of the kids shared the trials and struggles and we all made the connection to the Joy that was set before Jesus - redeeming us, and the joy that comes in serving others even when things get hard.

Today is our final full day in Belize. We will be painting the San Antonio church with a coat of white paint. One more project to complete. We leave very early tomorrow morning to catch our plane to Houston and then on to San Francisco. Please pray for our safe travel. We have enjoyed our time here and pray that the time we spent leaves a lasting impression on those who's paths we've crossed of Jesus love and care for all of us.

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