We will be leaving for Punta Gorda, Belize March 20. There are still those who are striving to earn enough money to go with us and trusting that God will provide a way.
These kids recognize the value of service and are wanting to do so. We are also needing to raise $10.000 for materials to build a new Spanish Church in Punta Gorda.
Please continue to pray as we finalize our plans and prepare for our journey. If you are interested in making a contribution. Please make (tax deductible donation) checks payable to the Sonora SDA Church with notation Belize Mission 2013 and mail to 40 N. Forest Rd. Sonora Ca. 95370, or contact Alan Pratt @ 209-605-1919
Thank you for your prayers and support.
We arrived safely to our destination. We have settled into our hotel and tomorrow morning we will begin our work on the church and the Dental team will head out to the villages to begin their service there. Please continue to pray for our Sonora family here in Punta Gorda Belize.