Sunday, March 31, 2013

Finishing up

The Construction Team has finished. We have some very hard working young men who put every thing they had into their work. Several days of broken bits slowed the progress but the team got everything done but half the metal on the roof. The Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church family is so very grateful. 

 Alan, Skip and Mitchell working hard to get it done.

Our kitchen crew has provided amazing food! We have enjoyed the
wonderful fruits of the country as well as nutritious variety. Becky, Pam and Ginger, Thank you so much for your long and (early) hours of dedicated service.

Almost there! Walls are done and the trusses are up!

The Prophecy of Hope Seminar was wonderful. Jon, Alijah, Matt and Sydney
Preached with passion and there are eight souls baptized because of the Power of the Holy Spirit working through you. Praise God!

Pam in the Market. So much of what we ate came from this market.
From garden to table...yummmmm!

Vacation Bible School was great. Skip and Seth among others
gave individual attention to young children and teens and helped them understand the prophecy of Daniel two. Wonderful friendships have been established.

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